Friday, November 14, 2008

Veteran's Day

We enjoyed a nice day "OFF"
The kids enjoyed riding their bikes most of the day...

Poor Ryal, loves riding, but had his shoes tangled in the pedal, not once, but over and over again. He kept crying, "my shoe is tied to my bike!"

Dad took a long lunch break and we rode on over to the park...

My kids love climbing into weird spots like this and saying, "take a picture!"

We love this FAT face!

This is Ryal proud of himself for "pumping", (his legs).

The greatest thing was watching Noah. For the entire hour, he just sat in the sand and did this. Never putting it in his mouth, hardly even moving from this spot. He just picked it up and watched it fall down, over and over and over.

Gracie is such a monkey! She is strong and has no fear, we have to watch her like a hawk!



holli h. said...

haha! Noah cracks me up.

•stephanie• said...

my favorite thing about this post is gracie wearing bling ~ in the sand ~ AT THE PARK!

Tricia said...

Your kids are soooo cute. This post makes me so happy! I also can't believe how big they are in just a few months...especially Noah! He is standing and walking???? It's crazy. I've already missed so much!