Friday, November 6, 2009

Simple Blessings in my life this week!

* A friend picked up some of my laundry and did it for me

* In the early morning, (before it was time to get up), my 2 year old snuggled with me

* Pizza for dinner!

* A LOVE letter from one of my little dancer's

* My husband cleaned the kitchen after dinner

* Heard the baby's heart beat

* Talked to grandma on the phone

* A friend took my daughter for a playdate

* Went Christmas shopping

* My daughter called me cute,
(which made up for the day before when she called me FAT)

* Got a late Sunday nap

* Watched my daughter say the prayer in Primary

* A hot shower...alone! (no kids)

* Hot apple pie & ice cream


* Had a dress party

* Made it to the weekend!


holli h. said...

hahaha. I love gracie! And I take it as a sincere compliment when she calls me cute! Oh. and what about "My sister came and visited me and she's the coolest!"????

Tricia said...

Its funny how when you put all the little things in writing, you realize how great life is...

who picked up your laundry??? That's awesome!

Jheri said...

Holli-you left this week, so that didn't count as a blessing!

angiedunn said...

sounds like a great week to me!

you are lookin' so cute pregnant, btw. (: