Thursday, June 19, 2008

Arizona State Cinderella Laughlin, NV.

2008 Overall Photogenic Award

I'll fast forward real quick and tell you that Kaylee was awarded the Overall Photogenic Award. It was a big deal because this was not just the Overall for her division, it was the Overall Award for the entire pageant. There were 143 girls, and she won first place.
This was very prestigous because the award was in honor of the director's niece, who was a photographer, and passed away at the age of 29. Kaylee received a round crown, trophy, embroidered banner, flowers, $100 college scholarship, and her favorite...a standing ovation! She was thrilled!!! She also won a talent award.
Back to the beginning...
I couldn't believe that I caught strep 2 days before we left, as I've never had strep before. Then on the way up, I developed pink eye. I spent Sunday night in a Bullhead City ER for 3 hours and didn't make it back to my hotel room until 2am. That was awful! But, no one else got sick and I survived the rest of the week. I brought all the kids with me, and my mom to help me watch them!
Interview, Welcome Banquet & Prince Gilbert Party

The girls perform a skit with their division-they did THRILLER!
Kaylee & Ashley

After the Welcome Banquet-we headed to the Prince Gilbert Party!

Shaylee Bloomfield competed at State this year...which was really fun for my kids because they got to spend time with Rylan & Amberly!

Madison, Kaylee & Ashley

Shauna Garrison (State Miss) & Kaylee

This was so funny...everytime I would go to take a picture of Noah, he would pose for me. He would either smile big or squint his eyes. He's a true son of a blogger!

Video Games was the highlight for my boys.

We took a couple boat rides down the river...the kids loved it!
This is Gracie & Amberly.

Tuesday-Western Hoe Down & Talent Day

had to bring his Indiana Jones whip!




Kaylee nailed her talent! We were so proud of her! All but one of the International Royalty were at the State Finals this year.

Kaylee & Madison
Wednesday-Sportswear, Partywear, Bowling & 50's Party

Kaylee & Ashley

Off to the 50's party!

Noah loved the pom pons!

Kaylee loved the dancing! (in the black & red)

TJ comes to Emcee the shows. He's been a State & International emcee since Tricia & I competed.
Thursday-Cindy Fair, Grand Finals & Cinderella Ball

Shaylee & Kaylee
(Shaylee was awarded "Best 9 Year Old". This was her first year & she did awesome!)

Tricia & Tressa came up for Grand Finals!
(not sure why I didn't capture a pic. of Trish. Probably because I was chasing 5 kids around?)

Dang blurry camera! This was right after finals.

Yes, Kaylee is crying...tears of joy for Carlie! We were so excited!!!
(Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures. I will post them when they come in the mail)
But it was a really fun week and it was fun having so many new girls in our delegation. I have to give a shout out to Helen Hancock, who requested a suite right next to ours so that she could do Kaylee's hair and make-up for me all week. She is just awesome & has been so wonderful to Kaylee! Thanks Helen!!! We love you!!!!!!
Friday night-HOME AGAIN!
Sunday-Father's Day!
The kids were so excited to give Scott a talking Indiana Jones card for Father's Day!

My mom taught them how to sing, "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home" while we were in Laughlin.

And Noah loves CAKE!
So far, summer's been great!


Tiffany said...

I can't believe (1) You chopped your hair! It looks so dang cute! (2) You got sick right before the trip...major bummer!
Congrats to Kailee! I also can't believe that you are Super Mom and were able to do all that with all of your kids there...incredible! I can't even make it through a Wal-mart trip with just my two without needing to de-stress after! So FuN!

Tiffany said...

Sorry I spelled Kaylee's name wrong in my comment! I automatically spelled it like my neice. Sorry chica!

Shauna said...

Congrats to Kaylee...that's awesome! Too bad for you getting sick before the trip. You look great though. Love the new hair cut.

Kylie said...

Congrats Kaylee!! Ok, you cut your hair & it looks so cute--and I was just thinking I saw you Sunday and your hair would have been cut then, but I don't remember it--did you have it pulled back??? Sorry I didn't notice/mention it--I am a little braindead lately!!

ps. All the pictures are so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Yay, I love the Cindy pics. Glad you made it through the week and that you can now hang out with us more! Ü

Missy said...

Congrats to Kaylee! And looks like you had alot of fun with the kids! And Happy Belated to Ethan!

P.S. So, you chopped your hair too? It looks cute!

holli h. said...

cute hair cut! you look great in that black dress! ow ow!

Kenyon said...

What a trip!! Congrats to Kaylee, that is awesome. Ditto about your hair, it looks really cute :)

Anonymous said...

i love love love your hair!!! so cute! also, that pic of kaylee is GORGEOUS! no wonder she won! (: sorry you got sick, that's the pits. looks like you guys had a great trip!!!

Lori Taylor said...

Congratulations to Kaylee!!!
Sorry you got sick. I think you are a super woman because you did all you did and you were SICK.
Love your hair.
Glad you had fun in Nevada!