Sunday, February 17, 2008

Extreme Home Makeover!

I'm posting these pictures in hopes that someone out there might get a kick out of them, because I am still having a hard time finding the humor in it!
I left to teach dance for a short time yesterday, Scott let Ethan play upstairs, (he's usually a pretty good boy), Ethan got hold of a permanent Sharpie marker, and did a little redecorating!
He started with this wonderful piece of art up the stairway...

Then, hit a few light switches...

Of course, he had to make finishing touches to the stairway banister

He even took the time to color in all of those little screws that were painted to match the wood

Then he headed for his room, where he started coloring things that we couldn't paint his dresser!

Then he found all kinds of things in his room to color, books, the CARS table top...

He even brought things up from the kitchen and colored them in his room

We think he's going to be an artist!
One there such thing as permanent Sharpie remover?!?


Anonymous said...

You might try a magic eraser.

•stephanie• said...

he was busy! how long did it take him to wreak this havoc?

i'd probably just get a new house.

Kylie said...

I am starting to see a pattern in your blog posts...Gracie drawing on Noah with a Marker, Ethan drawing all over the house with a marker...I think you might need to lock up any remaining markers!! Ü I did get a good laugh...of course it is much easier to laugh when it's not your own house! I just keep crossing my fingers Powell doesn't figure out the whole drawing on the wall thing. But I don't know if any parent totally escapes going through life without one child doing it, so I am sure I'll get to enjoy such wonderful artistic creations one day. I read that toothpaste works (here's a link about it ) It couldn't hurt to try it????

Jheri said...

Well, unfortunately, I think it is Gracie who inspired him. He never drew on anything but paper before, but now, you should see our house. Gracie has taken crayon to our walls, TV's, high chairs, the couch, everything! None of my other kids went through this stage. Anyway, I think Ethan caught on and tried it himself, only, he went all out! He had about an hour of free time upstairs when he went crazy! I think I deserve a new house!
p.s. thanks for the tip Kylie...I'll try it!

Kenyon said...

Oh my heavens sake, are you kidding me? Did you just die! I wonder if the bleach pens would work?! Try it. Never a dull day huh? :)

holli h. said...

oh ethan... what a troubled young man.

Scott and Melissa said...

lol... k i shouldnt be laughing because its so not funny.. but at the same time it kinda is ;)