Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Zoo

Ethan's Kindergarten class had a fieldtrip to the Zoo on Tuesday, so I took the kids and met him up there. We had a lot of fun!

Rylan, Brooklyn & Ethan
(all in the same class together)

Noah just chilled in the front seat of his stroller eating snacks

"Rhino-saurus", Ryal calls it

The weather was perfect!

Terd Princess

Pretty Princess

Cotton Candy Bum!

Amberly & Gracie

Sno Cones!

We had to wrap Gracie like a mummy!


Fun Day at the ZOO!!!

We stopped real quick at home to change and we were off to gymnastics...

Noah has his own little play area there

The boys were always too far away for me to take pictures, but this week, Ethan got moved up to BOYS LEVEL I

I always crack up watching Gracie do her stunts!

Ms. Suzanne is her gym coach

I've spent the entire day doing things like organizing my closet and going through bags of things that need to be put away from the move. I turned my back on Noah for 5 min. and this is what I found...

YEP! He was playing IN the fireplace.


Little Twerp!