Sunday, August 24, 2008


is the theme in our home right now. Kaylee is working on a YW's project which requires her to research the history and traditions of her ancestors. Scott's grandmother also turned 80 yrs. old today. We are reminded of all the wonderful traditions she has carried on with her family. I am so inspired as I read some of the amazing blog posts and hear what special things families are doing together. Scott and I have some fun traditions of our own, especially fun holiday traditions. But we would love to hear what you do together with your family. Please, tell us a fun family tradition you have. It can be something simple that you do every night before you go to bed, a family vacation you take every year, or a holiday tradition. We'd love for you to share something with us!


Tricia said...

Well, I happen to come from one of the best families in the world and I'll tell you some of my favorite traditions :)

Singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas to the hosts on Christmas morning to wake them up

Sleeping in a tent on Christmas Eve

Eating dinner in a pumpkin on Halloween

Going to California to visit Grandma and Grandpa and the aunts and uncles during summer

There are many others, but those are some of my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jheri! It's Kim Hall(Baldwin) Can you give me some pointers on how to set up a blog...One of my favorite family traditions is going on a walk in the evening with my family and our dog. By the way you look awesome and have a beautiful family! Take care.

Jheri said...

-K- sad! Not my most popular post, I see. But I've appreciated the things I've heard...thanks!

Kenyon said...

I love traditions. Here is a few of ours. We do what we call a birthday eulogy for every birthday. That means everybody tells the birthday person what they love the most about that person.

We sit and watch animated church movies on sunday...Rob usually cries and the boys love it :)

We do a big family service project every christmas, thats our favorite part of the holidays. The kids love it too.

Thats all for now but now Im inspired to start thanks :)

Missy and David Vadasy said...

Hmmm, well every year at Christmas there are lots and lots of people there because we have 11 kids in our family so we all sit down and open a present on Christmas Eve which is always pajamas....Then we gather in a circle and drink coco and plays 'spoons'. You have to be a teenager or older to play because this game is brutal, they always put one less spoon in the middle. You all play with 4 cards, when you have all four matching cards you grab the spoon and everyone else hurries and grabs a spoon, last one without a spoon is a P (We spell out PIG) and then you have to try and get others to talk to you while you are playing the game, if they talk to you, then they are a P! get to PIG and you are out! I think i still have a scar on my hand from last year....that is why we say NO jewelry or long nails!!