Friday, October 5, 2007

I am absolutely obsessed with THE OFFICE. I have almost every episode memorized. My favorite highlights are: Jim dressing up like Dwight, Jim faxing Dwight faxes from Dwight's future self & Michael and Dwight driving their car into a lake. Dwight Schrute is AWESOME! If you don't think need Awesome lessons!

I find that I am like Michael Scott. I'm not Superstitious, I'm just a little stitious, which is why to this day I still won't step on the cracks in the sidewalk. So of course, I look like a complete idiot when I take my kids for a walk in their wagon. When I think about it, I do a lot of stupid/crazy/ridiculous things. So I've decided to list them...

1. I dream that I am part of THE OFFICE, and have even dreamed that I am Dwight.

2. I will eat Sushi, but not fish.

3. If I happen to turn 360 degrees while walking around or playing with my kids, I have to turn back around 360 degrees the other way so that I am back where I was.

4. When I watch High School Musical with Kaylee & Ethan, I make snide comments about how ridiculous and corny the movie is, but inside I love watching it and hope that Troy Bolton and Gabriella stay together in real life.

5. I can't write in abbreviatons. No matter how quickly I need to write, even if I know exactly what I mean, I still write complete sentences and include words like, "the", "and" and "so".

6. I am addicted to watching "The Haunting" and I record it every afternoon so that Scott and I can watch it together at nightime. But if Scott has to leave that evening and I am scared to death to watch it alone, I watch it, scared to death, because I already recorded it and planned to watch it, no matter how badly I really don't want to see it alone.

7. I will make lists of things to do. Sometimes I get behind on my lists and will forget to make them until later in the day. If I do this, I still write down the things I've already done and then cross them off. At the end of the day, I will go through my list and if I forgot to write something down that I already did, I will squeeze it in between the two other things I did before and after the thing I forgot to write down, and then cross it off.

Okay, CRAZY! So here are some things about me that aren't crazy:

1. My favorite movie is the Notebook

2. My best friends all live with me

3. I am definitely a Conservative!

4. I have 5 kids and want to have 2 or 3 more...(some think that's crazy!)

5. I love to dance

6. If I could be anywhere right now, I'd be on a beach

7. I serve as the Activities Chairman in my ward

And if you make lists, you always have to include the list of things that irritate you:

1. People who say TacO Bell, instead of Taco Bell

2. Farting

3. People who cut in line

4. Liberals

5. Dirty laundry

6. Trying to post pictures on this blog

7. Stopping to get gas

Things that irritate Scott:

1. When I don't stop to get gas

2. People who say Taco Bell, instead of TacO Bell

So, there's my everyone knows!


Unknown said...

Jheri, I love your blog! I'm so glad that Missy announced it. I do have to say that some of these "stitous" things are pretty crazy, but I'm just like you on the lists. For some reason I'll write "work" on my list for the day, when I'm not gonna forget to go to work! I love The Office too, especially how Micheal drove into the lake, to prove that computers are not always accurate!! And I love The Notebook too. Also - your family is so cute, it doesn't surprise me that you want 2 or 3 more kids. You seem like such a good mom. Keep up the good blogging, I loved reading everything you've done so far!

Staci said...

Kylie mentioned that you started a blog so I had to check it out! I am really really obsessed with the Office as well--and I too have dreams about it!! I can't wait til Thursday!!!!

I love your lists! And I don't think you are crazy for wanting more kids...they are the BEST things in the world!