Friday, April 11, 2008

Quick glances at our week...

Isn't he just the cutest thing you ever saw! One minute he was all smiles, enjoying the breeze in his face, the next he was out! I LOVE this cute age...8 months now by the way!

Another morning, off to dance...She loves going "tap tap with Tisha!"
This is the newest game the boys have come up with. They tuck the video game controllers into Noah's pants and play Mario with him. They make him kick, roll over, move his cracks them up!

My blurry camera...UGH!

This is the kids all ready to go watch Ethan play his T-ball game. Gracie kept yelling into the field, (very loud by the way), "Good job Dad! Good Job Ethan!" And she did it with a thumbs up! It was pretty funny...only because she was sooo LOUD! Everyone on the field could hear her!

Crazy Kids!!!
I spared you the other moments of my week. I didn't think you'd enjoy posts of piles of laundry & organizing tubs in the garage.
Have a great weekend!!!


Mike & Stephanie Wright said...

I love the cute little dance outfit! If I lived there I would put my kids in your dance. Have a great weekend!

Erica Hanks said...

Hey Jheri! It's me...Erica from Sunny Mesa! I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I've just been vegging out at my computer and surfing blogs. I think I started with Brittney Smith, but I'm not sure.

Anyway...what a beautiful family you have!!

holli h. said...

I miss your kids big time!!! College is dumb because I'm always around people who are my age. I miss little kids!!! I love that picture of Noah in the swing! ha ha. so dang cute.

Kenyon said...

What CUTE kids! Her little dance outfit is so cute, she kills me:)